Pratt School of Engineering

11 posts

Claudia Gunsch  

Pratt School of Engineering                

Identifying genetic adaptation mechanisms resulting from anthropogenic contaminant exposure; developing biosensors capable of pathogen and contaminant detection in water and air; studying the impact of emerging contaminants on aquatic microbial ecology; and the development of novel techniques for controlling pathogen proliferation

Environmental factors driving changes in the microbiome; developing environmental sensors of microbial community shifts

Lisa Satterwhite

Pratt School of Engineering               

Development of transcriptomic and epigenetic exposure models to predict risk for disease. Prospective cohort studies of rural agricultural communities. Community engaged research to build resilience in vulnerable people with race/ethnicity-based health disparities.

Genomic/epigenetic data analysis and environmental exposure profiling of prospective cohorts. Field work in the coastal plain heavily impacted by climate change.

Akhenaton-Andrew Jones

Pratt School of Engineering

We solve global challenges in water and health using engineering and policy analysis. Our mission is to develop novel systems to improve the environmental health and safety and understand what policies will lead to their equitable deployment. We study how external stresses impacts biofilm formation, viability, and susceptibility with applications towards infection, medical devices, food, water and wastewater treatment systems. We study past water and air policy outcomes as guidelines for future technology.            

Biofilms, environmental microbiology, resilient systems, water quality monitoring